Live Work Policy

a) Switch boards, panels, motor control centers and disconnects labeled as (No Live Work) in all cases the equipment is to be deenergized and locked out prior to opening or removing any covers or work initiated on equipment. A hot work permit shall still be required, and appropriate safety protocols and proper PPE will be required until all live parts to which you might be exposed are tested and determined to be in an electrically safe working condition.

b) No live work permits will be approved in any circumstance for work on switch boards, panels, motor control centers and disconnects that will require PPE exceeding category 2 PPE' in all cases the equipment is to be deenergized and locked out prior to opening or removing any covers or work initiated on equipment. A hot work permit shall still be required, and appropriate safety protocols and proper PPE will be required until all live parts to which you might be exposed are tested and determined to be in an electrically safe working condition.

c) WORKING NEAR LIVE CIRCUITS. Knock-out of panels and pulling wire into panels will be allowed, provided the work is performed on DE-ENERGIZED PARTS only, accept where work does not comply with part (a,b) of the Hot Work Policy above. A hot work permit shall still be required, and no metal fish tapes, or uninsulated tools shall be used. Appropriate safety protocols and proper PPE will be required until all work has been completed and covers have been put in place, All work near live circuits must be approved by a qualified supervisor.

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Customer representative understands all risks: injury, damage, and loss of production (Required for all energized work)
Van Brocklin Electric LLC Safety and Health Program 96
Van Brocklin Electric LLC Safety and Health Program 96
Van Brocklin Electric LLC Safety and Health Program 96
Van Brocklin Electric LLC Safety and Health Program 96
Van Brocklin Electric LLC Safety and Health Program 96
Van Brocklin Electric LLC Safety and Health Program 96
Van Brocklin Electric LLC Safety and Health Program 96
Van Brocklin Electric LLC Safety and Health Program 96
Van Brocklin Electric LLC Safety and Health Program 96